A house for the price of a cup of coffee: with a new international platform, we can give a home back to Ukrainians
A cup of coffee

Today, dozens of countries provide shelter to almost 15 million Ukrainian refugees and help them adapt to new conditions in every way possible. However, 70% of Ukrainians note that longing for relatives, friends and home is the biggest problem in a new place. But where can those whose homes are bombed down and in need of restoration return to?
The founders of the new international platform RENAISSANCE.UA are confident that this problem can be solved in the shortest possible time.
The team created a transparent tool for targeted assistance to Ukrainians whose homes were damaged by Russian aggression. This is a kind of social network with profiles of affected families, in which the donor can choose the object or family he or she wants to help, and then track the collection of funds and the reconstruction of their house.
The authors of the project aim to reach about 30% of Internet users and are confident that a $5 donation will be able to return more than 50% of Ukrainian families to their homes in six months. This is a donation from one person. Instead of a cup of coffee or a burger.
“If our team was able to create this platform in a few months during periodic bombings and blackouts, are there so few people out there who can skip one cup of coffee for the sake of the smile of a whole family?”, says the project author Anton Zabolotny.
The site has already united foundations and volunteers who have been rebuilding damaged property with their own funds in recent months. However, many of them have run out of resources. There are enough people who are ready to work on construction even for free, but there are certain problems with the funds to purchase construction materials.
“We are asked why we did not turn for help to big business, stars or international foundations. The answer is that we are not the only ones. We understand that Ukraine is not the only country in the world waiting for help. We understand how many sick children on the planet are looking for their donor. But we are not alone as well. Everyone who is reading this text now is with us. And, perhaps, this person will choose on the platform a Ukrainian family who will soon fall asleep in their own bed with sincere thanks for the help”, concluded the project author.
Russia’s aggression against Ukraine continues. The invaders continue to kill civilians and destroy civilian infrastructure. Recently, the Russians launched a missile attack on the Dnipro and hit a multi-story residential building. As a result of this terrorist act, more than 40 people died and many apartments were completely destroyed.
After the war, the RENAISSANCE.UA team will make a large electronic directory with the names of those donors who would sign their donation. “The donation amount will not be specified, but Ukrainians will know who to thank for saving them”, the platform authors note.
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